Explore the science on why we need a plant-based food system:
Summaries (via Google Docs):
Environment | Health | Zoonoses | Economics & Policy

Continually updated showing which articles or summaries have just been added.

Dr. Tushar Mehta, M.D.
Podcast - Dr. Tushar Mehta: Animal Agriculture and the Origin of Pandemics
Presentation - The Fundamentals of Plant-Based Diet and Health
Presentation - Animal Agriculture and the Global Environmental Impact
Presentation - The Environmental Consequences of Animal Foods
Presentation - Overconsumption, Environment, Economics, and Degrowth
Nicholas Carter, M.A.
Presentation - The Ecological Impacts & Solutions with Food Systems (Earthsave)
Podcast - Ecologist speaks out on what's killing the planet (Ellen Fisher Podcast)
Debate Podcast - Regenerative Agriculture (Ellen Fisher Podcast)
Podcast - How your diet affects the planet (The Proof Ep 136)
Podcast - Overview of Regenerative Agriculture (The Proof Ep 111)
Podcast - Overview of Food Systems & Planetary Health (The Proof Ep 104)
Podcast - Combating Climate Change with a Diet Change (Plant Based Canada)
Panel - Livestock Methane: The use and misuse of GWP* (Changing Markets)
Nital Jethalal, MSc

Dr. Tushar Mehta, M.D. | Co-Founder, Director of Health & Nutrition Science | @EcoDocTush
Practices emergency medicine in the greater Toronto area. He does volunteer medical work in India and Haiti. Dr. Mehta has volunteered with several social justice organizations, including Project CANOE (an organization supporting at-risk youth), and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Dr. Mehta’s research interests include the medical and nutritional benefits of a plant-based diet, and the impacts of animal agriculture on the environment and global food security.
Nicholas Carter, M.A. | Co-Founder, Director of Environmental Science | @NicholasDCarter
Nicholas Carter researches the scientific links between our food systems and the environment. He's currently the Director of Environmental Science at the Game Changers Institute, working on the sequel. He has guest lectured at the Yale School of the Environment and Harvard's Great Food Transformation course. He previously helped launch a climate services and data hub that's part of the Canadian Centre for Climate Services. Nicholas recently was the lead author on a methane and GWP* analysis with Changing Markets and a major disinformation report as featured in Desmog. His thesis focused on the global GHGs that are attributed to animal agriculture. He's appeared on several podcasts including The Ellen Fisher Podcast for a Regenerative Agriculture debate and overview podcast and The Proof podcast for episodes on the environmental impacts of our food system and regenerative agriculture and grazing, Ocean Protect, and on a panel for the Center for Biological Diversity. He's written and his work has been featured in The New Republic, Fast Company, Corporate Knights, Green Queen, Forbes, Macleans, Desmog, and elsewhere.
Nital Jethalal, MSc | Director of Economics & Policy
A nutrition economist investigating the impacts of shifts to plant-based diets on food production, health care, the environment and trade. As a member of the strategic policy team at Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, he helped coordinate Canada’s first national agricultural policy framework. Nital holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Master’s of Science in Economics from Queen’s University. His Master’s thesis focused on why some trade disputes take longer than others. He is actively involved in food security and plant-based NGO initiatives in Toronto. Listen to recent podcasts of his: Plant-Based Canada, Plant Trainers, & Actions of Compassion

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